Hi! i'm
Nishan Hamza.
| Full-stack Developer | Javascript | React(NextJs) |
| React-native | NodeJs | MongoDB |
ㅤㅤ- A Full-Stack Website and mobile application developer. Who applies best and latest technology to build flawless and highly performant softwares, utelizing the feature rich UX Designs.
My Works
Blog Website
A blog website for premium cooking recipies. Users can share their unique recipies with other users.
- ⦿ ㅤNextJs
- ⦿ ㅤNodeJs
- ⦿ ㅤMongoDB
- ⦿ ㅤTailwind
Blog Website
A blog website for premium cooking recipies. Users can share their unique recipies with other users.
- ⦿ ㅤNextJs
- ⦿ ㅤReact